Oct 1, 2023

Finding beauty & strength


In life’s most challenging moments, the true essence of one’s character often shines through. Emily Hardin, a remarkable woman, discovered this firsthand as she navigated her own battle with breast cancer. Inspired by her mother’s battle with the disease and then her own, Hardin experienced a transformation that led her to create a haven of support and encouragement for other women facing similar challenges – The Boobie Boutique.

The process began with her mother’s cancer diagnosis.

"I realized that not everyone gets that second chance at life the way that I have. What would I really want to do with my life?” — Emily Hardin

“She was diagnosed in 2019 and I received my diagnosis two years later. Her experience, as well as my own, made me want to have a resource for the community,” Hardin said.

Despite facing her own diagnosis, Hardin continued to work full-time in a demanding job, intermittently taking time off for her treatment.

Through her own battle, Hardin underwent a profound change in mindset.

“I went from being very, very driven. I went from feeling like work was such a priority to realizing that cancer changed me. It’s emotional and mental just as much as it is physical, if not more,” she shared.

This change in perspective sparked a desire for more fulfilling pursuits, a desire to leave behind a legacy that would resonate beyond her lifetime.

During treatments and recovery, Hardin’s heart and mind were consumed with a newfound purpose.

“I realized that not everyone gets that second chance at life the way that I have. What would I really want to do with my life?” she reflected.

This question led her to conceive The Boobie Boutique, a place that would cater to the unique needs of cancer patients, especially women.

The Boobie Boutique offers an abundance of thoughtful gift ideas for anyone, not just cancer warriors and their caregivers.

The name itself, The Boobie Boutique, reflects Hardin’s intention to create an atmosphere that’s lighthearted and inviting rather than clinical and intimidating.

“I wanted something memorable, something that would stick in people’s minds,” she explained.

The boutique’s offerings extend far beyond bras and wigs; it’s a sanctuary of hope, understanding and empowerment.

Hardin’s husband Mike and children Rose and Raiden stood by her side as pillars of strength throughout her journey. Even during unimaginable challenges, including her husband’s stroke, their unwavering support became a driving force behind Emily’s pursuit of her dream.

“My family 100% said yes, you’re exactly the type of person that should be doing this for other people,” she said.

TBB caters to three primary groups: newly diagnosed patients, those in recovery and the friends and families of those battling cancer. From comfortable mastectomy bras and wigs to inspirational gift boxes and supportive reading materials, cute T-shirts and beautiful gowns, Hardin has thought of every detail that can help ease the journey for others. She even became a Certified Bra Fitter to help women achieve a balanced post-mastectomy silhouette.

Hardin recognizes the isolation that often accompanies a cancer diagnosis.

“You sometimes isolate yourself without even realizing it,” she explained.

This realization led her to organize “Tea for TaTas,” a gathering where survivors and patients can connect, share stories and find camaraderie and support in their shared experiences.

As Hardin looks ahead, she envisions her boutique as more than just a store; it’s a sanctuary where beauty meets strength, where empowerment takes root in the hearts of those who walk through its doors. Hardin is proof that the pursuit of dreams, even in the face of adversity, can lead to transformative and meaningful outcomes.

For more details on TBB products, upcoming events, and online orders, visit theboobieboutiquellc.org or The Boobie Boutique LLC page on Facebook.